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Take the Pledge




1.   Not use violence of any form in my relationships, and speak up if another man is disrespectful or abusive to women or girls.

2.  Listen to women and be an ally to women who are working to end all forms of gender-based violence.

3.  Educate myself on the factors that lead to gender violence, and use that knowledge to mentor and teach boys about how to be men in ways that don’t involve degrading or abusing girls and women.

4.  Acknowledge the factors that lead to gender-based violence, including power imbalances, homophobia and objectification of women.

5.  Not remain silent.


Women’s Pledge: 

I will support the men in my life who have signed the pledge to end gender violence.


Inspired by “10 Things Men Can Do To Prevent Gender Violence” by Dr. Jackson Katz, 1999. To download a copy of the pledge, please click here.


Once you have taken the pledge, learn about how to put it into action through our It's About the Journey project!

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Yes, I join Blackburn Center's mission to end domestic and sexual violence.

Thank you for taking the pledge!

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