Eligibility for Services
All BlackburnCenterLegal services in the civil legal system are provided free of charge to eligible clients.

All BlackburnCenterLegal services in the civil legal system are provided free of charge to eligible clients. To qualify for services, you must be a victim of a crime in Westmoreland County. You must also be eligible for Blackburn Center’s services. Our legal representation is limited to civil legal matters that are directly related to an individual’s victimization.
There is no income limit for our services. Our ability to provide representation is based on a number of factors, including the current caseload of our attorneys and the complexity of the legal matters for which you seek representation. For each prospective client, our legal team will perform an assessment to determine if we are able to offer legal services at this time. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide civil legal representation to everyone who seeks assistance through our program.
To start the process, please call our hotline at 1-888-832-2272 (TDD available). You can also call our office at 724-837-9540. To ensure confidentiality and safety, we cannot answer inquiries sent via our website, email, or social media.