If you follow our blog, you may have learned about our advocacy group, Future Advocates of Blackburn (FAB) from one of its founders, Autumn Stankay. If you attended our Walk, you might have been handed a flyer from a member of FAB, or seen their great t-shirts. Are you still curious about FAB? Head on over to our latest page, devoted to the Future Advocates of Blackburn.

FAB is a “topic” group of area for both women and men dedicated to issues involving gender violence. From rape culture to domestic violence, to celebrity status and the impact on rape/abuse reports, the group covers a wide variety of topics. Local and national news, media campaigns, and blogs are all fair game for discussion. Get-togethers are planned four times a year at local venues — great food and conversation are practically guaranteed! It’s a low time commitment way to get involved in your community — and to become the future of advocacy in Westmoreland County!
To learn more about this group and how you can join, check out our new page! If you’ve heard enough and want to join us, email Ann Emmerling, Blackburn Center’s Executive Director, or check out our Facebook group!
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