Across the United States, author Marie Kondo’s book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up has inspired millions to declutter and focus on paring down their possessions to what truly matters. While having too much “stuff” is absolutely a function of privilege, it does present an opportunity for those who are fortunate enough to worry about making more room in their homes: the chance to give back.
Far too often, the holidays are a time of rampant consumerism, filled with wish lists and shopping and buying things that we simply do not need. While many of us delight in the ability to find the perfect gift for a loved one, we may often find ourselves stumped about what to buy for a person who has everything or doesn’t need anything.
There isn’t anything wrong with buying presents — it is part of the joy of the holidays! But if you want to opt out of the shopping season, or simply want to embrace your inner minimalist, we have a fantastic suggestion: ask for (or give) donations to Blackburn Center this holiday season.
Donations of money to Blackburn Center or items for our shelter help us continue to provide critical support to women, children and men whose lives have been impacted by violence or crime. These services include our 24 hour hotline (1-888-832-2272 or 724-836-1122), an emergency shelter for victims of intimate partner violence, legal advocacy, medical accompaniment, counseling, and more. Blackburn Center is the only trauma-informed victim's services agency in Westmoreland County.
Blackburn Center also offers a number of community services designed to make Westmoreland County a better and safer place to live and work. From student awareness programs that reach thousands of children each year to in-service trainings to community education programs, we are dedicated to providing the training and education necessary to prevent gender-based violence in our community. We also have partnered with a number of community groups and organizations, including Seton Hill University, the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg, and the Greensburg-Hempfield Library, to sponsor innovative projects and programs. Our men’s group, Fearless Advocacy for Men’s Engagement (FAME), is active throughout the community. We also offer programs such as Coaching Boys into Men for local high school coaches, as well as comprehensive sexual harassment training for businesses and organizations.
Donating to Blackburn Center ensures that we can continue to provide these services. Nearly a quarter (23%) of our annual funding comes from donations from foundations, businesses, community groups — and people like you. Asking for or giving donations to Blackburn Center this holiday season can help us make sure that we sustain this level of support — and that your home remains happily decluttered.
The ultimate minimalist shopping list this holiday season has just one item: donations to a worthy cause. We truly appreciate your support, and thank you in advance for your holiday donations to Blackburn Center.
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