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Giving Thanks

A row of pumpkins, each with a letter on them that spells out "thanks"

For many people, 2023 was a challenging year. From rising inflation and interest rates to global unrest, this year has been difficult for many people in Westmoreland County and throughout the world.

Despite these struggles, we continue to be amazed by the many people who have stood by our side as we work diligently to fulfill our mission. As the holiday season begins, we want to take the time to express just how thankful we are for each and every person and organization that has supported our work.

To our staff, we are grateful for the hard work that you put in each day. This work can be difficult, and we appreciate how dedicated you are and continue to be to our mission. Whether you are providing counseling and therapy, education, training, legal and medical advocacy, administrative support, civil legal services or working at our shelter, we value your contributions. We could not provide such a high level of service to our clients and to the community without you!

To our volunteers, thank you for making our work possible. You help us ensure that our hotline is answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, serve on committees, work at events, and share literature at health fairs. The hours that you so freely give to our organization are a perfect complement to our staff’s work – thank you!

To our donors and community partners, thank you for your continued financial and material support. Your generous financial donations are a critical part of our overall funding. The donations of items from our wish list also ensure that we can continue to provide necessary items to victims and survivors of gender-based violence throughout Westmoreland County.

Each year, Blackburn Center provides direct client services to thousands of individuals who are impacted by violence in our community. We serve thousands more through education and training programs and outreach efforts. We know that our work is vital – and that we couldn’t do it without you.

As the only agency in Westmoreland County that provides services to victims and survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence and other types of violence and crime, we know that our work requires the dedication of a whole group of people – including staff, volunteers, donors, and community partners. Each of you has helped us meet a crucial need for clients and the community, from providing a safe place to live to therapy and counseling to legal support and advocacy to educational programming. We are incredibly thankful for all that you have done and all that you continue to do.

In gratitude,

Renee Reitz, Executive Director


Since 1976, Blackburn Center has been providing services to victims of domestic and sexual violence and other types of violence and crime in Westmoreland County, and presenting education programs across this community.  You can learn more about types of abuse, our services, or ways to get help if you are a victim of violence or crime.  All of our client services are FREE of charge.


The official registration and financial information of Blackburn Center  may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.

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Blackburn Center

PO Box 398

Greensburg, PA 15601

24-Hour Hotline:


The information on this site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to take the place of professional services or medical or mental health treatment.


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© 2020 |  Blackburn Center Standing To End Violence | PO Box 398 | Greensburg, PA  | 15601  | 724-837-9540

Serving Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania

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