Between the COVID-19 pandemic, a contentious presidential election, and a long-overdue reckoning on racial justice issues, 2020 has been a year like no other. Given how difficult 2020 has been for millions of Americans, it isn’t surprising that so many of us are looking forward to 2021.
Moving into a new year is the perfect time to think about your goals. New Year’s resolutions are often focused on things like health and fitness. Yet they don’t have to be: you can make a plan to do something different or change your life in any number of ways.
The unrest and challenges of the past year have inspired many people to look to ways that they can be part of the solution. If you want to give back — or “be the change” — in 2021, we have some ideas to get you started:
Consider volunteering for Blackburn Center. We offer a variety of options for volunteering, from answering hotline calls to performing administrative tasks. You can fill out a volunteer application online, and then take an online training course to get started.
No time to volunteer? There are other ways to help, like using your own voice and platform to talk about important issues like domestic abuse, sexual violence, stalking, human trafficking and more. You can share posts from our social media accounts and speak up — in-person or online — when someone blames victims.
We know that everyone is consuming more media than ever this year. Why not make sure that the books you read, the music you listen to, and the TV and movies you watch aren’t contributing to the problem? By avoiding media that degrades or objectifies women, or that glorifies violence against women, you can become a conscious consumer of media.
The pandemic has changed the way that our agency provides services — but it hasn’t reduced the need for these services. If you are able to do so, make a commitment to donate to support our work in 2021. Whether you choose a one-time donation, or a monthly or recurring donation, your contribution allows us to continue doing important work for victims, survivors, and the community as a whole.
Change starts at home — so think about the ways that you talk to your kids and others in your life. Harmful gender norms, like the expectation that boys will be tough and never show emotion, can be really damaging. They are also directly linked to gender-based violence. You can have a significant impact on our community as a whole by making a few tweaks to the way that you talk to, and about, men and women.
These are just a few ideas of tangible things that you can do to support our work, and make 2021 an even brighter year for everyone.
As always, if you need help, we are here for you. Our hotline is available 24/7, and is free of charge and confidential. Call anytime at 1-888-832-2272.